Are you looking for advice?

If this is an issue which you are facing right now, we have put together a couple of ways we can help you.

Join our monthly webinar

Each month, the campaign team runs a special HMO and Council Tax webinar. Led by Alan Murdie, the campaign barrister, he guides us through the legal question and answer session. Wendy Whittaker-Large (HMO landlord and campaigner) and Daryn Brewer, complete with the rest of the team, will update you with news, ideas and suggestions to help if you are facing an appeal.

We simply ask for a minimum donation of £99 to attend a series of 6 webinars. Here is the link to donate to our Go Fund Me Campaign:

Sign Up Here

Individual Support

Perhaps you would like to discuss your case one-to-one and receive more information about personal support? If you are facing an appeal or worried about your council tax position, please complete the form below and we will be in touch.

If you would like to contact us to find out more about how we can help you, please complete the form below:

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